We are able to keep the majority of our programs free of charge because of the financial support we receive from friends throughout the year. Every dollar helps – and you can even donate in honor of someone you care about or to mark a special occasion.
It takes a lot of people to make events like our Annual Meeting or the New York City Hemophilia Walk happen. We'll do our best to match you up with something you'll enjoy and find rewarding. Want to help?
Stay in the loop about chapter programs and events by signing up for our mailing list.


NYCHC’s mission is to foster a sense of community amongst people affected by bleeding disorders in the greater NYC area, and to improve their health outcomes and quality of life.


Unidos por la Sangre
Latino Outreach
NYCHC has established a Latino Outreach Committee that runs events for Spanish-speaking bleeders and their families.
VWD Program
VWD Program
Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is the most common bleeding disorder in the world. It is estimated that 80,000 New Yorkers live with VWD and most do not even know.
Teen Program
Teen Program
Started in the Summer of 2016, NYCHC’s teen program is growing. In June, teens volunteered together on an urban farm in Brooklyn, and this August, they will go rock climbing.
Dads in Action
Dads in Action
Dads in Action is a program of the Hemophilia Federation of America offering support & education to fathers who have a bleeding disorder in their family.

Our History

 The New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) was started with the premise that if people have a chance to get together, share experiences, and learn from one another, their health and quality of life vastly improves and the feeling of isolation and fear is diminished. Since inception, NYCHC has aimed to grow organically, to respond to the needs of the community, and to work closely with Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs). NYCHC was incorporated in and obtained its 501 (c)(3) status in 2008, became a Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation(NHF) in 2009, and an Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) member organization in 2010.

Our Leadership

Did you know?

The number of people with hemophilia in the United States is estimated at 20,000.
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30% of all children born with hemophilia have no family history of the disease
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Annual cost of treatment for someone with severe hemophilia can be over $300,000.

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