5 Reasons YOU Should Go to Washington Days

Learning about changes in health care
and how they impact you and your family
Not sure what will happen to the Affordable Care Act?
This is an opportunity to learn more
about what’s going on!
Protecting coverage for pre-existing conditions
You want to know that you and
your family will still be covered.
Fighting for access to care and federally funded research
Inform legislators of the importance of treatments and
how funding is necessary to conduct research that
impacts you and your family.
Speaking to representatives
about issues that are important to you and your family
Your story is important and
legislators should know who they’re serving.
Learning how to advocate for yourself,
your family,
and the needs of the bleeding disorders community
Again, your story is important. Sharing it is one of the most
empowering and effective ways to create change.
Not only does sharing your story build confidence,
but it can help make impactful changes for the future.
Worried you won’t know what to say? Don’t be! Prior to meeting with legislators, you’ll go through a training that will help you to be more familiar with the issues. You’ll meet other families going through similar issues-so you’re not alone in this process. And you’ll get the chance to tell your story, so legislators know that their votes affect real people.
Your voice should be heard! Join us in Washington, DC!