#NYCHCvsNEHA and 6 Things to Look for at the 2017 Walk

With little more than one month to go, now is the time to get the word out and help us make sure that this year will be our best Walk ever! For those who have already committed to walk and whose pages are already up – thank you! As a result of your efforts to date, we have now raised $152,736, over 50% of the way! – but we have a long way to go to reach our goal of $300,000!
You may have seen on Facebook that we’ve challenged the New England Hemophilia Association (NEHA) to register the most people to our respective walks. This is a true NY vs NE affair that will result in the losing Executive Director going to a baseball game is support of the winning organization (a Yanks vs Red Sox competition)! We’re currently down by 80 participants (315-235) and the deadline is NEHA’s June 10th Walk
(just 6 days after ours)!
For those just getting started, it’s easy. Just follow these simple steps:
- Create your team page at the Walk website, or join an existing team.
- Set an example, and make a donation to your page or your team page.
- Ask family, friends, and co-workers to join your team and/or to sponsor you.
- Start asking for donations, and let others show their support for you!
Want to take your team to the next level? Many of our most successful teams do their own, stand-alone event prior to the Walk. Think about hosting friends for dinner, a bowl – a – thon, a car wash, an event at work, or anything you and your friends would enjoy together!
And on Walk Day – WE WILL BE AT THE NEW LOCATION in Riverside Park at 97 th St.
and now…
6 Things to Look for at the 2017 Walk!
1. VIP Tent for teams raising $4,000+
2. Latino Outreach tent
3. VWD Table
4. Photo Booth
5. Salsa Dancers
6. Yoga – BYOM (Bring Your Own Mat!)
It’ll be a great day for the entire community!
If you need any help with your page, or want fundraising ideas, please feel free to contact me, Jeri Krassner, NYC Walk Manager, at (917) 597-7256.
Thank you in advance for helping to make the 2017 New York City Hemophilia Walk our best ever!