Elizabeth Cedeno is an accountant by profession. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she attained her B.A. in Economics from NYU.
As a world traveller, Elizabeth has lived and worked in many diverse cultures. She believes her life experiences have made her uniquely adept at understanding and communicating with all. Currently, Elizabeth dedicates her time to being a domestic economist and raising her 3 children.
For the past six years, she’s enjoyed sitting on the executive board of her youngest son’s Parent Association, where she has held a Treasurer position. It is in this capacity that she has extensive experience advocating for students and parents alike.
Elizabeth has been involved in the Hemophilia community since 2010. She has been invited to speak on several panels and enjoys sharing her unique experiences and knowledge with the community at large. Volunteering has played a major role in her life, and is a key attribute she hopes to pass down to her children. As a NYCHC board member, Elizabeth hopes to continue to promote the chapter’s mission of fostering community and advancing the health outcomes of all its members.