Bye Bye Beach
Sarah Schapiro is a woman with severe Hemophilia A. She was diagnosed at the age of 2 ½ & was on prophylaxis treatment when she was a child, and throughout her teens and adult life she has treated on demand. In February of 2020 Sarah started on Hemlibra.
One of the things that Sarah enjoys the most is travel. Sarah has traveled all over the United States, Caribbean, Middle East, Europe, Asia and South America. Sarah, her husband John and daughter Grace have loved the opportunity they have of seeing the world. As a family they have experienced different foods, cultures, & ways of thinking. Whenever Sarah travels, she takes her trusty light green medicine bag packed with Factor VIII, needles, syringes, her travel letter, and a print out of the nearest Hemophilia Treatment Center. It was on one of Sarah’s beach vacation that she was inspired to create Bye Bye Beach.
Bye Bye Beach is an all natural beach sand remover. After a fun filled day at the beach, when it is time to leave just shake the Bye Bye Beach product over sandy skin and wipe the sand away with your hand. Not water, towel or cloth required, and your skin is left feeling smooth and dry.
NYCHC is proud to announce that we are partnering with Bye Bye Beach. Sarah is a former board member of NYCHC and is a member of our community. Sarah is humbled and thrilled to be able to give back to a community that offers its members so much. We hope that you will visit the Bye Bye Beach website at . For every 2 pack and family 4 pack of Bye Bye Beach that you purchase, 10% of the order will be given back to New York City Hemophilia Chapter.