Accepting Your Hero’s Journey
Join us on Monday, May 17 at 7 PM to kick off our month-long mental health series: “Accepting Your Hero’s Journey.”
What does myth have to do with well-being and mental health? More than one might imagine. The Hero’s Journey® was described by Joseph Campbell as a way to understand the similarities he noticed in folklore and mythologies throughout history and worldwide. By traversing the stages of the Journey (Departure /Separation, On the Road/Initiation, Return/Transformation) this workshop aims to explore the Hero’s Journey® as a way for individuals to conceptualize life experiences that are empowering, affirming, humanizing and inspiring. Bring your curiosity and openness to this workshop and be ready to meet your Inner Hero!
The goal of this session is to create opportunities for mental health discussions in our community with an innovative framework around personal legends. The power of the workshop is to reframe obstacles as opportunity and deepen connections around shared struggle. By recasting our current situations as moments in rich narratives, we can better see potential and possibility while building support around a shared language and experience.
Attendees will receive a workbook to complete activities on their own, followed by discussions with our group. These events are intended for people ages 16 and older.
Following the introductory event on May 17, you will have the opportunity to attend four additional sessions. We invite you to attend as many of these sessions as you wish.
- Monday, May 24 at 7 PM: Hearing Your Call
- Monday, June 7 at 7 PM: Mentors and Challenges
- Monday, June 14 at 7 PM: Turning Points and Rewards
- Monday, June 21 at 7 PM: Transformation