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Back to School (Regreso a Clases)

September 18, 2022

On Sunday, September 18, we will host our Annual Bilingual Back to School Event. This event was designed to help your family transition out of summer and get ready to return to school.

El domingo 18 de septiembre, tendremos nuestro evento anual ‘Regreso a Clases’ con sesiones en inglés y español. Esta vez se realizará de forma virtual y está diseñado para ayudar a tu familia con la transición del fin del verano y prepararse para el regreso a la escuela.


If you have a child with hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease (vWD), or another bleeding disorder, school can be hard to navigate. It is important to know the resources available to you.

Every Fall, we host our Bilingual Back to School Event to help families in our community prepare to return to school. This year’s event will be held on Sunday, September 18 from 11 AM to 3 PM at the New York Marriott Downtown.

Topics Include:

  • Infusion Training
  • 504s and IEPs
  • Goal Setting
  • Career Paths and Potential
  • Protecting Your Joints
  • Improv Workshop and Performance (for kids and teens)
  • A full agenda will be shared before the event.

School Supplies

To help you prepare to go back to school, NYCHC will provide a $35 gift card to each school aged child that attends. Gift cards are for children with bleeding disorders and their siblings only.


  • This program is free!
  • Lunch will be provided to all attendees.
  • This event is open only to families with bleeding disorders from the New York City tri state area.

Register Here

Health and Safety Guidelines

  • Mask wearing is optional for all attendees.
  • Please stay home and do not attend the event if you have tested positive for COVID-19, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, feel sick or unwell, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19.


September 18, 2022

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