Spotlight: Matthew Chavez
To celebrate March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, we are conducting short Q&As to learn more about members of our community!
This week, we’re interviewing Matthew Chavez. Matthew is 12 years old and has hemophilia A.

What and when was your diagnosis?
I have hemophilia A. I was first diagnosed with a bleeding disorder at 3 months old.
What does bleeding disorders awareness month mean to you?
I’d say that hemophilia is a good thing because if we get hurt we have a factor that helps us to get better. The bleeding disorder mouth shows that there are people like us to show that we are not alone!
What is the best part about being part of the bleeding disorder community and how has having a bleeding disorder shaped your life thus far?
Well first, one of my favorite things of having hemophilia is that we can meet other people with hemophilia and we can get to know each other and our parents can talk to other parents and they can get to know each other and give advice to them to help them. Also another reason that I personally like hemophilia is that we can go on trips like in Florida etc. they give us hotels and we can have fun.
What advice would you give to parents of children with bleeding disorders?
Like I said before, you are not alone! There are other people who have the same bleeding disorder. Don’t be scared of what can happen if he/she bleeds, you just have to put in the factor and after a few moments they will be better!
About Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
In 2016, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officially declared March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! This month aims to foster a stronger sense of unity among all individuals in our community, and to elevate awareness to the general public. Learn more here.