Spotlight: Marc Santamaria
To celebrate March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month and as we get closer to World Hemophilia Day on April 17, we are conducting short Q&As to learn more about members of our community!
This week, we’re interviewing Teresa Santamaria about her son, Marc, who is 11 years old.

What and when was your diagnosis?
My son Marc was diagnosed with Factor 7 Deficiency.
What does bleeding disorders awareness month mean to you?
It means we are part of a family community that cares about people with blood disorders.
What is the best part about being part of the bleeding disorder community and how has having a bleeding disorder shaped your life?
The best part of the bleeding disorder community is that you get a chance to share and voice your concerns with parents who have similar questions. In addition, the children get to make new friends.
What advice would you give to parents of children with bleeding disorders?
My advice to parents who have a child with a blood disorder is TRY not to worry so much because in the end he/she will be alright.
About Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
In 2016, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officially declared March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! This month aims to foster a stronger sense of unity among all individuals in our community, and to elevate awareness to the general public. Learn more here.