The New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) invites you to join us for a Movie Night from the comfort of your home! Join us as we watch The Incredibles 2 on Thursday, May […]
We’re here for you during this difficult time. We are excited to introduce “We’re Here,” a new virtual series to help families in our community come together on a weekly […]
LiveSmart PlaySmart (LSPS) is a website started by Brian Ragaishis. Brian is one of our community members living with von Willebrands Disease in New York City. Brian created LSPS to […]
You are invited to attend NYCHC’s Back To School Event! If you have a child with hemophilia, Von Willebrand Disease, or another bleeding disorder, school can be hard to navigate. […]
Total NYCHC & NEHA Combined Steps: 38,666,817 (15,377 miles) The New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) has won the 100-Day Fitness Challenge!!! More importantly though, ALL our [...]
We had a wonderful turn out for our You Will Be Found Essay Contest and had to make some tough decisions. Thank you to all the people that submitted essays. […]