Fitness Challenge

Being physically active is one key to managing a bleeding disorder. It also has many other benefits, like relieving stress, strengthening connections within the community, and improving general [...]

Photo Release

Photograph & Video Release Form/Autorización de uso de fotos y video  I hereby grant the New York City Hemophilia Chapter specific permission to reproduce, publish, circulate, copyright or [...]

Let’s Talk Screening

On Saturday, October 17 at 7 PM, we are hosting a virtual screening of the newly released film, “Let’s Talk.” This takes you through the lives of five members of the […]

Smoking and COVID-19

Many questions have been asked about smoking, and how this can affect people infected with COVID-19. As a reminder, we have compiled many different resources to help you get through […]

Take A Break With Us

  Every afternoon, we’ll be hosting a virtual chat to keep our community connected and supported. We want to hear from you, and we want you to know that we’re […]

Bleeding Disorders Scavenger Hunt

We are launching our Bleeding Disorders Scavenger Hunt! This is a virtual competition designed to demonstrate your knowledge of bleeding disorders and provide opportunities to connect our rare [...]