On June 5th, 2016, hundreds of bleeders, family, and friends filled Riverside Park to walk for bleeding disorders. Over fifty teams walked this year! Seventeen of these teams were VIP […]
Does the thought of asking people for money make you cringe? Think fundraising is not for you? THINK AGAIN! I am a member of one of the most successful Walk […]
Dear Family and Friends of the Bleeding Disorder Community, As board members of NYCHC, it is our duty to look after bleeding disorder-related needs of our community, while upholding […]
NYCHC is pleased to announce that Matt Porges and Julia Martin Alvarez will serve as the Co-Chairs of the 2016 NYC Hemophilia Walk. Matt is NYCHC’s Treasurer and a […]
March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! Help spread awareness by taking NHF’s Red Tie Challenge. Learn more at #RedTieChallenge https://redtiechallenge.org/ Create even more awareness [...]
We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our walk teams who participated in our 2015 NYCHC Hemophilia Walk! Everyone did an outstanding job raising funds for our […]
Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para felicitar a todos nuestros equipos de a pie que participaron en la caminata de hemofilia 2015 NYCHC! Todos hicieron un excelente trabajo de recaudar [...]
We are thrilled to announce that Kelly D’Ambrosio was the top fundraising individual for our 2015 NYCHC Hemophilia Walk! Great job Kelly! We’d like to take this opportunity to say [...]
Ten years ago, a single New York family and some family and friends started a walk to raise funds and awareness for individuals with bleeding disorders. About 200 people walked […]