About The Series
Living with a bleeding disorder, especially during these uncertain financial times, can be overwhelming. Many people in our community may find themselves struggling with a wide range of financial burdens and we are looking to address these concerns.
We recently premiered a four-part educational series: “Financial Literacy Series: Empowering the Bleeding Disorders Community” to help you take charge of your future by offering unbiased information as you work, plan and save for long-term financial security. The videos and educational resources provided through this series are intended to help you learn about defining your goals and setting priorities, saving for college and medical expenses, managing credit and debt, protecting agains fraud, saving for retirement, and more.
Episode 4
What is holding you back from the financial freedom you deserve? Often it is the stories or myths we tell ourselves that keep us repeating the same financial mistakes. Our presenter, Brianna Firestone, dispels these myths by examining the top five false assumptions we have about our relationship to money. This session will give you simple advice and exercises to transform your financial habits.
Learn more about COVID-19 and Hemophilia. Preparedness and Self-Care in a Pandemic.
Episode 3
The topic of this episode is Financial Literacy 101. Some topics in this program include where wealth actually comes from, common approaches to budgeting, distinguishing between wants and needs, details on crypto and NFTs, and more!
Learn more about COVID-19 and Hemophilia. Preparedness and Self-Care in a Pandemic.
Episode 2
This episode focuses on savings. Given the current financial climate and the talk of inflation, this importation presentation touches on topics like credit card spending, debt, interest, and planning for retirement. In addition to being a financial expert, our presenter, Matthew D. Barkdull, MBA, MS, also has hemophilia himself.
Learn more about COVID-19 and Hemophilia. Preparedness and Self-Care in a Pandemic.
Episode 1
Episode 1 premiered to our community members on Monday, March 28 and focuses on getting back into the workforce both during a pandemic and beyond. Our presenter is Dr. Donald Asher.
Learn more about COVID-19 and Hemophilia. Preparedness and Self-Care in a Pandemic.
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