Blood Brothers Chat
Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here
Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here
Join us on Friday, June 11 at 7 PM for a Teens Only Game Night alongside the Hemophilia Association of New Jersey (HANJ)! Each month, we will play a different game chosen by the teens! This event is intended for teens ages 13 and over. Register Here
This is Week 4 of our Accepting Your Hero's Journey workshop. Learn more about the workshop here. Monday, June 14 at 7 PM: Turning Points and Rewards Monday, June 21 at 7 PM: Transformation Register Here
Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here
On Thursday, June 17 at 6 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for moms and women with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with others. Join The Chat Here
Photography offers wonderful opportunities for mindfulness in your daily life. The process of increased awareness helps bring tangible benefits like calming the mind and providing relief from stress. Studies have shown that a person’s perspective on themselves and the world can be gradually explored and changed through the process of taking photographs, analyzing them and […]
This is Week 5 of our Accepting Your Hero's Journey workshop. Learn more about the workshop here. Monday, June 21 at 7 PM: Transformation Register Here
Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here
Join us on Tuesday, June 22 at 7 PM for this session about intimacy and communication in a relationship. During this highly interactive session, couples will have an opportunity to build the type of relationship that is fulfilling with your spouse, significant other or intimate partner. We will be exploring how effective communications skills help to create […]
On Thursday, June 24 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share […]