Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here

Moms and Women Community Chat

On Thursday, April 15 at 6 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for moms and women with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with others. Join The Chat Here

In The Know Summit

To celebrate World Hemophilia Day, on Saturday, April 17 and Sunday, April 18, we will host our second annual In The Know: Treatment Decision Making Summit. Programming will take place […]

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and […]

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and […]

vWD Community Chat

On Wednesday, April 28 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share […]

April Paint Night

On Friday, April 30 at 6:30 PM, we are hosting a paint night for families in the New York City bleeding disorders community. Artist Judy Cohen will lead us over Zoom in painting during the event. All are welcome to participate: whether you consider yourself an artist or have never picked up a paintbrush before! […]

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