Mom’s and Women Chat

On Thursday, August 20 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for mom's and women! Join us as we come together as a community to share our […]

vWD Community Chat

On Wednesday, August 26 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share […]

Back To School (Regreso A Clases)

On Sunday, August 30, we will host our Annual Bilingual Back to School Event. This virtual event was designed to help your family transition out of summer and get ready to return to school. This year, we will pay special attention to helping parents navigate the changing roles and expectations for school through a pandemic.   Here […]

Advanced Stress Session

On Thursday, September 17 at 7 PM, we are joining with the Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) to host a virtual discussion focused on understanding stress, anxiety, and depression, especially in light on COVID-19. This discussion will be centered largely around the impact of COVID-19, and the challenges and stress caused by the transition back to school this year. […]

Dealing With Male Role Expectations

On Tuesday, September 22, at 1 PM, in place of our weekly discussion for men with a bleeding disorder, we will host a discussion with HFA, titled: "But I Can’t Bring Home the Bacon! Coping with Male Role Expectations." Society places great pressure on men to be the head of the household and primary ‘breadwinner,’ for […]

vWD Community Chat

On Wednesday, September 30 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with others. Join The Chat Here

Let’s Talk Movie Screening

On Saturday, October 17 at 7 PM, we are hosting a virtual screening of the newly released film, “Let’s Talk.” This takes you through the lives of five members of the […]

Cocinando con la Familia

El Chapter de la Hemofilia de NY (NYCHC) te invita a participar en nuestro próximo evento organizado para la comunidad latina este próximo martes 27 de Octubre de 6pm a […]

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