vWD Community Chat

On Wednesday, January 27 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share […]

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here

Virtual Game Night

The New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) and the New England Hemophilia Association (NEHA) are excited to host a monthly game night on the first Friday of every month! Join us on Friday, February 5 at 7 PM as families from our communities come together for a night full of fun, community, and laughs. Register Here

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here

Cocinando en Familia

***Tenemos que posponer el evento de cocina de este 2 de febrero del 2021 debido a que nos cancelaron las entregas de los ingredientes por la tormenta de nieve. La nueva fecha es el martes 9 de febrero a las 6pm.*** El Chapter de la Hemofilia de NY (NYCHC) te invita a participar a nuestro […]

Virtual Couples Retreat

Join us for our first-ever Virtual Couples Retreat on Thursday, February 11 at 6 PM! To kick off the event, Family and Marriage Therapist Dave Robinson, PhD, will be facilitating a […]

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and […]

Moms and Women Community Chat

On Thursday, February 18 at 6 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for moms and women with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a […]

Blood Brothers Chat

Every Tuesday at 1 PM, we host a virtual chat for men with a bleeding disorder. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with each other. Join Here

vWD Community Chat

On Wednesday, February 24 at 1 PM, we are hosting our next virtual chat for community members with vWD. Join us as we come together as a community to share our experiences and connect with others. Join The Chat Here

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