2018 Walk Kickoff Brunch

Bareburger 535 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY

To jump start Walk season and celebrate Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, we're inviting all Walk Captains, walkers, and anyone else who wants to make the 2018 Walk bigger and better […]

NHF Washington Days

Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill 400 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC

The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) will host the annual Washington Days advocacy event March 7-9, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. NHF’s Washington Days is an opportunity for people affected by bleeding disorders to advocate for issues that are important to them. Last year’s Washington Days had more than 500 volunteer advocates from 47 states that […]

2018 Albany Days

As a member chapter of the New York State Bleeding Disorders Coalition, we unite with other chapters in Albany annually to advocate for the needs of the bleeding disorders community. Individuals and families are encouraged to participate in this legislative day. Prior to the session, attendees receive training and become more familiar with speaking about […]

Ladies First! Friday Nights: Custom Leather Workshop + Happy Hour

NYCHC Office 500 7th Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY, United States

NYCHC's Women's Committee presents: Ladies First! Friday Nights In this first installment of Ladies First! Friday Nights, NYCHC's Women's Committee has partnered with the awesome ladies at  Craft Jam Inc. to bring you a Custom Leather Wallet Workshop + Happy Hour! We're celebrating Women's History Month by celebrating ourselves! Join us for 2.5 hours of: cutting, assembling, and […]


Innovation Bootcamp 2.0

NYCHC Conference Room 315 West 36th Street, 9th Floor, New York, New York

CALLING ALL  DREAMERS AND BIG PICTURE STHINKERS! WE WANT YOU BACK! INNOVATION BOOTCAMP 2.0 is COMING! Join us for the second installation of interactive workshops about simple tools innovators use to unleash inner creativity and solve complex problems. At the first bootcamp, we learned how to address social problems using empathy. This second session will go deeper into empathy as a problem solving […]


Factor 7 Retreat

Marriott at City Center 740 Town Center Drive, Newport News, VA, United States

Comprehensive Health Education Services and the LadyBugs Foundation teamed up in 2012 to present the only national program of its kind for those affected by FVII; funding by an education grant from Novo Nordisk. Join us for our 7th annual weekend of education, support, and fun for those affected by FVII deficiency and their families. […]


Spring Event – Innovation in Your World

Museum of the Moving Image 36-01 35th Avenue, Astoria, New York

Spring Event is back and better than ever! Every Spring Event is an opportunity to bring the bleeding disorders community together, engage in awesome activities, and have a great time. This year, NYCHC has stepped up the Spring Event game to give you all-access experience at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria! This year, we're […]


NYC Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk

Riverside Park 6681 Riverside Dr, New York, New York

In 2006, a handful of New York families and friends affected by bleeding disorders went to Riverside Park and started the first Hemophilia Walk. We realized that by standing together we could make a difference for ourselves and our children. There was excitement in the air that first beautiful day, and the promise of a […]

2018 Inhibitor Retreat

Following the success of the 2017 Inhibitor Retreat, NYCHC once again presents this awesome opportunity for families and patients who struggle with inhibitors. The 2018 Inhibitor Retreat will feature opportunities […]

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