Carriers Retreat (BDANENY)

The Carey Conference Center 63 Huyck Rd, Rensselaerville, NY

Many women who carry the hemophilia gene have the same symptoms of those with hemophilia. This retreat will focus on women who are carriers and their concerns. Sessions will be […]

Women’s Dim Sum Brunch

Jing Fong 20 Elizabeth Street, New York, New York

Are you a woman with a bleeding disorder, a carrier, caregiver or all of the above? We want to brunch with you! We are looking to open our programming up […]

Ladies First! Friday Nights: Custom Leather Workshop + Happy Hour

NYCHC Office 500 7th Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY, United States

NYCHC's Women's Committee presents: Ladies First! Friday Nights In this first installment of Ladies First! Friday Nights, NYCHC's Women's Committee has partnered with the awesome ladies at  Craft Jam Inc. to bring you a Custom Leather Wallet Workshop + Happy Hour! We're celebrating Women's History Month by celebrating ourselves! Join us for 2.5 hours of: cutting, assembling, and […]


Innovation Bootcamp 2.0

NYCHC Conference Room 315 West 36th Street, 9th Floor, New York, New York

CALLING ALL  DREAMERS AND BIG PICTURE STHINKERS! WE WANT YOU BACK! INNOVATION BOOTCAMP 2.0 is COMING! Join us for the second installation of interactive workshops about simple tools innovators use to unleash inner creativity and solve complex problems. […]


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