Whether we like it or not, uncertainty can be a part of life when it comes to living with a chronic condition. For parents with bleeding disorders, there are unique challenges that […]
The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) will host the annual Washington Days advocacy event March 7-9, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. NHF’s Washington Days is an opportunity for people [...]
Are you a woman with a bleeding disorder, a carrier, caregiver or all of the above? We want to brunch with you! We are looking to open our programming up […]
Tis the season for learning and festivities with NYCHC! Join us at our 2017 Education Day and Holiday Party! Featuring: Adult Sessions in English and Spanish on: ++ advocacy and […]
¡NYCHC presenta su primer Retiro Latino! Este retiro familiar es para familias latinas / hispánicas y de habla hispana en la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos. Este retiro presentará la [...]
As a member chapter of the New York State Bleeding Disorders Coalition, we unite with other chapters in Albany annually to advocate for the needs of the bleeding disorders community. […]
Comprehensive Health Education Services and the LadyBugs Foundation teamed up in 2012 to present the only national program of its kind for those affected by FVII; funding by an education […]