NYCHC’s Women’s Committee presents: Ladies First! Friday Nights In this first installment of Ladies First! Friday Nights, NYCHC’s Women’s Committee has partnered with the [...]
CALLING ALL DREAMERS AND BIG PICTURE STHINKERS! WE WANT YOU BACK! INNOVATION BOOTCAMP 2.0 is COMING! Join us for the second installation of interactive workshops about simple tools innovators [...]
Are you a woman with a bleeding disorder, a carrier, caregiver or all of the above? We want to brunch with you! We are looking to open our programming up […]
Many women who carry the hemophilia gene have the same symptoms of those with hemophilia. This retreat will focus on women who are carriers and their concerns. Sessions will be […]
March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, but did you know that it’s also Women’s History Month? NYCHC’s newly formed Women’s Committee wants to celebrate [...]