2018 Walk Kickoff Brunch

To jump start Walk season and celebrate Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, we’re inviting all Walk Captains, walkers, and anyone else who wants to make the 2018 Walk bigger and better […]

Latino Retreat

¡NYCHC presenta su primer Retiro Latino! Este retiro familiar es para familias latinas / hispánicas y de habla hispana en la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos. Este retiro presentará la [...]

2018 Albany Days

As a member chapter of the New York State Bleeding Disorders Coalition, we unite with other chapters in Albany annually to advocate for the needs of the bleeding disorders community. […]

2018 Education Day

Tis the season for learning and festivities with NYCHC! Join us at the 2018 Education Day and Holiday Party! Featuring: Adult Sessions in English and Spanish on: ++ advocacy and […]

MyELOCTATE Peer Dinner

Looking for insights from someone with experience on ELOCTATE? MyELOCTATE Peers™ are patients and caregivers who have treatment experience with ELOCTATE and want to give you a look into their [...]

Picnic de Verano

¡El Comité Latino NYCHC quiere celebrar el verano con ustedes! Únase a nosotros en la Gran Colina (Great Hill) en Central Park el domingo 5 de agosto a las 12pm […]

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