2018 TORCH Retreat

After the success of our first teen retreat, TORCH is back to welcome old and new friends for a full weekend of fun, learning, and community!

Women’s Retreat

NYCHC is expanding our programming to serve the needs of women and girls with bleeding disorders. This Spring, NYCHC will host it’s first retreat dedicated to women and girls and […]

Latino Retreat

¡NYCHC presenta su primer Retiro Latino! Este retiro familiar es para familias latinas / hispánicas y de habla hispana en la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos. Este retiro presentará la [...]

Factor 7 Retreat

Comprehensive Health Education Services and the LadyBugs Foundation teamed up in 2012 to present the only national program of its kind for those affected by FVII; funding by an education […]

Carriers Retreat (BDANENY)

Many women who carry the hemophilia gene have the same symptoms of those with hemophilia. This retreat will focus on women who are carriers and their concerns. Sessions will be […]

NYC Inhibitor Retreat

New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) and the Hemophilia Association of New York (HANY) are proud to present: The New York City Inhibitor Retreat Friday, May 12, 2017- Saturday, May […]