NYCHC invites you to the 2018 vWD Retreat: Hope on the Horizon! This event is intended for individuals and families affected by VWD (von Willebrand Disease). The program will feature […]
NYCHC is expanding our programming to serve the needs of women and girls with bleeding disorders. This Spring, NYCHC will host it’s first retreat dedicated to women and girls and […]
¡NYCHC presenta su primer Retiro Latino! Este retiro familiar es para familias latinas / hispánicas y de habla hispana en la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos. Este retiro presentará la [...]
Comprehensive Health Education Services and the LadyBugs Foundation teamed up in 2012 to present the only national program of its kind for those affected by FVII; funding by an education […]
Many women who carry the hemophilia gene have the same symptoms of those with hemophilia. This retreat will focus on women who are carriers and their concerns. Sessions will be […]
New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) and the Hemophilia Association of New York (HANY) are proud to present: The New York City Inhibitor Retreat Friday, May 12, 2017- Saturday, May […]