NYCHC invites you to the 2018 vWD Retreat: Hope on the Horizon! This event is intended for individuals and families affected by VWD (von Willebrand Disease). The program will feature […]
NYCHC and the VWD Committee bring you another awesome Fall Family Cruise! This year our Inhibitor Committee is joining in on the fun. Join us on the Hudson River for […]
NYCHC’s VWD Committee invites you to join us at our next happy hour social! This time, we’ll be at a rooftop bar with great city views. This is a chance […]
Are you a woman with a bleeding disorder, a carrier, caregiver or all of the above? We want to brunch with you! We are looking to open our programming up […]
In 2006, a handful of New York families and friends affected by bleeding disorders went to Riverside Park and started the first Hemophilia Walk. We realized that by standing together […]
NYCHC’s VWD Retreat Returns in 2017! To Register visit: New York City Hemophilia Chapter’s second VWD Retreat will take place starting February 24 at 7pm and [...]