The Fight is NOT Over!
Dear New York City Hemophilia Chapter community:
We have just learned that the American Health Care Act has passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 217 in favor to 213 against. This bill will dramatically reduce coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, including people in the bleeding disorders community. And though things may seem bleak, we must not lose hope! Congress has clearly made a mistake in voting for this bill, but there is still an opportunity to affect change in the Senate.
Please continue to call your senators to ensure that they vote NO on AHCA.
Thank you for calling your representatives in the House, for sharing your stories, for speaking up and in favor of the protection of the rights of people in this country like you.
Although we are a small community, we are mighty! And we will continue the work beyond today. If you want to continue this fight with us, share your name, email address, home address, and share your story of how AHCA will impact your life and the lives of your family members.
We are working hard for you and all people with bleeding disorders!
Jeremy Griffin
Executive Director, New York City Hemophilia Chapter